My First Blog

My First Blog

Insipration to start hashnode

I don't know how to start a blog, but since it's my first blog, I'll keep it as raw as possible and try to keep it short and simple. Let's start with what the triggering point was. I was attending @react_india last week and met a bunch of developers and some great speakers. One of the speakers was Rajat Kapoor, and we had a great discussion about the diversity of tech and the job curve, etc. That's when I decided to hop onto Hashnode

Why Hashnode?

console.log("Hello Hashnode, World!");

Only one answer is enough~ "Best platform to connect with devs". Also, hashnode gives you a cool domain🥰.Fut

Future Blogs

The best to master something is by documenting your learnings!

  1. Majorly Javascript content because this thing just keeps on upgrading itself and there are many best practices as well.

  2. Sometimes cool tricks and tips that might not be trending as much as


  3. Possibly mini projects if possible so that I can also stay up with good practices.

Let's connect together! here are my socials:

See Yeah!🤙🤙🤙